Seeking couples for unequaled imaginative photographs on their wedding day.

We are master photographers, obsessed storytellers, detail-loving, stubborn- as-heck, over-achievers (over-hyphenated, possibly..) who offer a refreshing take on bona fide, candid moments.

You know those false smiles you see staring back at you from your co-workers' framed wedding photo on their desk? They appear really stiff and all the emotions look inauthentic and pained? Almost embarrassingly so..? Toned with a gimmicky filter? Yeah — those weren’t our photographs!

Our super power is seeing beyond what is evident — to the ethereal. The super quiet moments. The bride’s eyes when she sees her mirror image after the veil has been placed. The groom’s nervousness while waiting at the altar. The exuberance and connection has to come from deep inside the photograph — it should take your breath away! The composition and lighting can be perfect, but if the photographer doesn't have the skills and hasn't captured the JOY or LIFE emanating from their eyes and it doesn't transport you, umm… then what?

We’ve been trusted by over 620 couples to photograph their wedding — this highly skilled trait comes naturally to my team. From being meticulous with the timeline to scoring every inch of the venue on the walk-through, we do our very best to remove the stress and make sure your day is exactly what it should be — focused on your joyful experience.

We could mention my bachelor and master's degrees in Photojournalism from one of the top three photojournalism schools in the country, the 53 awards in photography contests and the lovely reviews that make us blush, but it all comes down to truly believable, honest and gleeful photographs of YOUR wedding day!
We honestly and furiously love what we do.
You will too.

So here's to unequaled imaginative photos!
We’re here when you’re ready.

Meet Stephanie

~ Stephanie



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We honestly and furiously love what we do.
You will too.

Photography takes an


out of time, altering life by

holding it still.

-Dorothea Lange